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伦敦特色的街头小吃有哪些 伦敦特色的街头叫什么



1. 炸鱼和薯条(Fish and Chips):这是英国最著名的美食其中一个,炸鱼外酥里嫩,搭配薯条口感丰盛。伦敦许多地方都可以品尝到这道传统美食。

2. 英式早餐(English Breakfast):英式早餐包括蛋、培根、香肠、蘑菇、烤番茄、烤面包和豆子,是伦敦典型的早餐选择。

3. 肉馅饼(Meat Pie):英国传统的肉馅饼馅料丰盛,有牛肉、猪肉、羊肉等口味。伦敦的许多餐厅和酒吧都供应这道美食。

4. 炖肉和杜松子酒(Steak and Kidney Pie):这是一道英国传统菜肴,将牛肉和肾脏炖煮在杜松子酒中,味道浓郁。

5. 仰望星空(Black Forest Gateau):这是一款源自德国的甜点,却在英国最受欢迎。它由巧克力蛋糕、鲜奶油和樱桃组成,外观秀丽,口感丰盛。


n the spring of 1904 in Manchester, the son of a miller’s who was named Frederick Henry Royce met a peer …


london 中文音译(蓝盾)希望对你有帮助。



伦敦是属于零时区。但英国有夏令时,夏时制开始时刻:2012-3-25 1:00:00 夏时制结束时刻:2012-10-28 2:00:00



夏时制(Daylight Saving Time:DST),又称“日光节约时制”和“夏令时刻”,是一种为节约能源而人为规定地方时刻的制度,在这一制度实行期间所采用的统一时刻称为“夏令时刻”。一般在天亮早的夏季人为将时刻提前一小时,可以使人早起早睡,减少照明量,以充分利用光照资源,从而节约照明用电。各个采纳夏时制的民族具体规定不同。目前全全球有近110个民族每年要实行夏令时。 自2011年3月27日开始俄罗斯永久使用夏令时,把时刻拨快一小时,不再调回


London&39;s famous cuisine

During the summer vacation, I will fly to London with my parents, and then we will go to see Tower Bridge. Tower bridge is a great building with a long history. London is also famous for tower bridges, so every year millions of tourists come here.

We will stay there for five days, I believe we can enjoy ourselves, and then we will leave London for my uncle&39;s house. He has a small house there. Although he is single, he is a good cook.

When we visit him, he always cooks us a delicious meal. He is also a TV reporter, so his English is very good. &34;I&39;m proud of you.

I always say to him that we&39;ll stay there for a week at the end, we&39;ll fly home, and I&39;m looking forward to a good time.


A capital city full of art and history. An important political centre. A huge financial market place.


Whatever you think about London, visiting as a tourist is very different from living there. Each part of London has its own character. Some parts are richer than others, or more industrial, or have better housing.


It is difficult to be general about London. The city is made up of a &34;collection of villages&34;, each area with its own character and community.


Put them all together, and you have London, a cosmopolitan capital.



London, England, a capital full of art and history, an important political center, a huge financial market. No matter how you look at London, it is quite different to travel and live there as a tourist. Every place in London has its own characteristics.

Some places are richer than others, or more industrialized, or have better housing. Let&39;s start from the center First of all, &34;square mile&34; this is the oldest place in London in the past. It&39;s the place of all financial business.

There are not many people living here, but people work here every day and move westward. We come to this busy shopping and entertainment district in the west side. We have a lot of things to do.

Take a walk along Oxford Street and pass by big department stores like Selfridge and Harold. The rent here is very high. A one bedroom apartment may cost about GBP.

RMB) West London is a more residential and fashionable area to visit Diana&39;s home: a film starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts, the famous Kensington Palace notting There is the port of London at the east end of the hill. This is the first place for many immigrants in history. A large number of French, Belgians, Jews, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis have lived here.


1,爱丁堡城堡Edinburgh castle

Edinburgh castle is a symbol of the spirit of Edinburgh and even Scotland.Perched on top of dead volcanic rock, it overlooks downtown Edinburgh.The annual march-past of the military band is held here in August.


2、荷里路德宫The palace of holyrood

The palace of holyrood, formerly holyrood Abbey.It was later used as the royal residence, also known as the palace of the holy cross, at the end of the royal mile road.It has been the main residence of Scottish Kings and queens since the 16th century.It is the setting of state occasions and official entertainment places.


3、格林威治公园Greenwich park

Greenwich park includes the old royal observatory, the museum of navigation and Greenwich pier.Maritime Greenwich.It was listed as a world heritage site by UNESCO in 1997.

格林威治公园包含旧皇家天文台、航海博物馆、格林威治码头在内的整片区域。以“maritime greenwich”主题。在1997年时被联合国科教文组织列为全球珍贵遗产。

4,圣玛利教堂St. Marys church

St. Marys church is located on the opposite of kings college.Until the 18th century, it was the place where Cambridge university degrees were awarded, and then it became Senate House.

圣玛利教堂位于国王学院对面的圣玛利教堂。在18世纪以前是剑桥大学授予毕业生学位的场所,后来才改到现今的Senate House。

5,千禧巨蛋The millennium dome

The millennium domes striking white dome is matched by steel pillars around it.The millennium dome, on the Banks of the Thames, was once hailed as Britains most successful paid tourist attraction.It was also the climax of the year 2000 celebration in the UK.But the millennium dome has been controversial from construction to completion.


6、大本钟Big Ben

Big Ben is the nickname of the large chiming Clock in the Clock Tower attached to the House of Parliament in the United Kingdom. It is a clock tower located on the Thames River in London, England. It is one of the landmark buildings in London. The tower is 95 meters high, the bell is 9 feet in diameter and weighs 13.5 tons. It goes off every 15 minutes.

大笨钟,或大本钟(Big Ben),即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼 (Clock Tower) 的大报时钟的昵称。是坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔的一座钟楼,是伦敦的标志性建筑其中一个。钟楼高95米,钟直径9英尺,重13.5吨。每15分钟响一次。

7、白金汉宫Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the principal dormitory and office of the British monarch in London. Located in Westminster, the palace is one of the venues for national celebrations and royal welcoming ceremonies, as well as an important tourist attraction.Buckingham Palace is an important venue for gatherings at times of celebration or crisis in British history. Buckingham Palace is now open to visitors. Every morning, there will be a famous handover ceremony of the guards, which has become a great view of British Royal culture.


8、伊丽莎白塔Elizabeth Tower

Elizabeth Tower, formerly known as Big Ben, is the Bell Tower of Westminster Palace, one of the worlds famous Gothic buildings, the landmark building of London.In June 2012, Britain announced the renaming of the Bell Tower of Big Ben, a famous landmark in London, as Elizabeth Tower.


9、圣保罗大教堂St.Pauls Cathedral

St. Pauls Cathedral is the worlds famous religious shrine, the fifth Cathedral in the world, the first cathedral in Britain.and the second largest dome Cathedral in the world, ranking among the five cathedrals in the world.


10、伦敦塔Tower of London

The Tower of London, a landmark palace and fortress in London, England, is located on the Thames River. James I (1566-1625) was the last ruler to live in the palace.The Tower of London served as a fortress, armoury, treasury, mint, palace, astronomical observatory, refuge and prison, especially for upper-class prisoners. It was last used as a prison during the Second World War.



The London 2012 font is a “bespoke” (custom) font. Called “2012 Headline,” it was designed specifically for the London 2012 games by the branding firm Wolff Olins.


很多人管它叫作London Bridge,其实它叫作Tower Bridge.是伦敦的标志性建筑。
